25 JUNE 1927, Page 29


Richards. 16s.)--Mr. de 'YZ4•8; who before the transfer of Transylvania to Roumania, riag a Transylvanian member of the Hungarian Parliament, lass written a book which, though undisg= propagandist,' deserves serious attention from those interested in the peace of Europe. In Transylvania a Hungarian minority used to rule a-Roumanian majority. Now the position is that the majority rules, on principles theoretically of extreme democratic justice, „ but with the alleged purpose of squeezing out the Hungarian language and the Protestant religion from Transylvania. Mr. de Szasz's book is very fully documented, and though the passion which pervades it is manifest we must remember that we arc in part responsible for handing over Transylvania to Roumania, and the way she administers her new acquisition will have a profound effect on the peace of Europe. Recently an unusually intelligent and sympathetic American observer went by boat across Europe up the Rhine and down the Danube. He came back with one very marked impression-, that Hungary was a powder-mine. Nor did his picture of Roumania vary in essence from that drawn by Mr. de Siksz.