25 JUNE 1927, Page 17

HOLIDAYS FOR WOMEN WORKERS [To the Editor of the SPEcTA-roa.]

Sin,—I appeal once more to the readers of the Spectator to support the Women's Holiday Fund (started in 1879) in their work of sending tired London women workers for a short respite from their dull and strenuous lives into fresh air and cheerful surroundings in the country or by the sea. We now have our own Home for Mothers and Babies at St. Leonards- on-Sea, which has proved a great success, and the letters of grateful appreciation from some of the mothers would touch the hardest hearts.

Some of those whom we send away have never been out of London, some " had a holiday ten years ago," and so on. All pay as much as they can afford, and we make up the amount needed for railway fares and payments to landladies or homes ; and all the arrangements about travelling and lodgings arc carried out in our office.

Three pounds will give one woman two weeks' holiday,- and £3 10s. provides for the same period for a woman and her baby. Thus a sum which meets about two days' expenses

- of the frequent holidays that many of the more favoured classes are able to take, will give two weeks' rest and enjoy- ment to their poorer sisters. Donations and subscriptions will be most thankfully acknowledged by Mrs. Frank Pownall, 8 Ashley Place, S.W. 1 ; or by Miss Cooper, Sec. W.11.10., 76 Denison House, Vauxhall Bridge Road, S.W. 1.--I um, Sir,



(Chairman, Ex. Cons. W.H.F.).