Reference Books
Massas. Sells' Directory of Telegraphic Addresses (8 Johnson's Court, E.C. 4, 45s.) contains some 130,000 names, and is cross- indexed as usual under the name of the firm, telegraphic address and trade, but, in addition to the usual features, in this year's issue each firm is given a number, which is useful not only for purposes of reference in the body of the work, but also for use in code cables. The Shikari's Pocket Book (Con- stable, 8s. 6d.) consists of hints by Mr. Charles Macann (Assistant of the Bombay Natural History Museum) and Lt.-Col. C. H. Stockley as to preserving and skinning trophies in the field. There is also a space for notes and inset pencil : altogether a valuable accessory to the sportsman in India. * * * American Investments in Europe, by C. T. Hallinan (Europa Publishing Co., 3s. 6d.), is not a returned traveller's tale of American prosperity, but a brief and deeply interesting account of the expansion of the world's available capital : would that there were more of it in England. * * Many Anglo-Indians will find much to interest them in the List of the Officers of the Bengal Army, 1758-1834 (Part I.), by Major V. C. P. Hodson (Constable, £1 ls.) * * * We can cordially recommend The New Alphabet of Gardening, by T. W. Sanders (Collingridge. 5s.). It is a practical book of elementary principles, with excellent text and illus- trations. * We have lately received The Stock Exchange Official Intelligence, 1927 (Spottiswoode, Ballantyne, £3), and the .supplementary index thereto : we need only say that this excellent publication is as good as ever. * * * The only comprehensive directory of craft workers in existence is The Arts and Crafts Year Book and Directory (Arts and Crafts Publishing Company. 2s. 6d.) * * * The Art Trade Press Company send us a typical volume of Who's Who in Art, a new work neatly bound in cloth, consisting of the biographies of men and women in the world of art, together with the monograms and signatures of those artists who do not sign their work in capital letters. The biographies are reasonably short and the book can be recommended to the perhaps all-too-limited public that takes an interest in art.
* a a We cannot too heartily congratulate Messrs. Bartholomew on their Gazetteer of the British Isles, 85s. This seventh edition is compiled from the latest census of 1921, and in addition to a complete set of maps contains every town and village in the United Kingdom, and much other statistical information. * * The Statesman's Year Book (Mac- millan, 20s.) is as good as ever, and after sixty-four issues we can only say that of all the works of reference required in an up-to-date library this is perhaps the most useful. * * * The Directory of Directors (Thomas Skinner, 25s.) and the Annual Register for 1926 (Longmans, Green, 30s.) are two other volumes which are so well known that their mere mention is sufficient. We wish to add a word, however, on the excellent literary criticisms in the Annual Register. There would be no better way of choosing the best novels in 1926 than to take its advice. * * * A Satchel Guide to Europe (Gay and Hancock, 21s.) contains several small inaccuracies, such as Julie 15th for the date of the eclipse. But this well-knoWn work (chiefly designed for Americans) is of distinct value to travellers intending to give forethought to a tour in Europe. Nothing quite like it exists. * * * The Soviet Union Year Book tells us much about what will one day be one of the richest countries in the world, and is indis- pensable to those who have dealings with Russia. There are sonic curious pages about the Soviet marriage and divorce laws which came into effect from the beginning of this year.
• * We also desire to acknowledge the Rhodesian Manual (Mining and Industrial Publications of Africa, Empire House, St. Martin's Lane,) 21s. • Stanford's Map of Central London (3s.) ; Muirhead's London and Its Environs (14s.) * * The Oarsman's and Angler's Map of the River Thames (Stanford. 3s.). * * The Iceland Year Book for 1927. (From Helgi Zoega. Reikavik. ls. 8d.) * Other recent reference books recommended : The Municipal Year Book, 1927 (Municipal Journal. 15s.)The Degreei and Hoods of the World's Universities and Colleges, compiled by F. W. Hayeraft (The Cheshunt Press. 4s. 6d.) ; Schools; 1927 (Truman and Knightley. 2s. fid.) ; • Willing's Press Guide, 1927 (30 King Street, Covent Garden. 2s. 6d.) ;. The 100 Best Investments, February, 1927 (British, Foreign and Colonial Corporation. 2s.) ; The Anglo-American Year Book 1927 (American Chamber of Commerce. 15s.) ; Power's Guide to the Island of Madeira, 2nd Edition (George Philip and Son. 5s. 6d.) • A 'Biographical Dictionary of Old English Music, by Jeffrey Pulver (Kegan Paul. 25s.) The Annual Charities Register and Digest (Longmans, Green. 8s. 6d.) ; British Empire Universities Yearbook, 1927 (G. Bell. 7s. 6c1.) The Estonian Year 'Book, 1927; The American Year -Book, 1926. (Macmillan: 81i. ad.)- -