On the 15th inst., at Nice, I IR! nand, .s or l'elVF:RSCOrliT, or a son. On the 17th inst., at Egerton Lodge, Melton Mowbray, the Conntess or W/LTON, of
a sou.
On the 9th inst., ut Beckett, the ViSeOltIlteSS BARRINGTON, of a daughter.
(hi the 19th inst., in Itratim S reel, the Right Ilan, Lade Codrrxtutm, of a daughter.
Ou the 16th inst., at Bodryddan, North Wales, the Lady of the lion. It. T. linwi,Ey, of it (humidor. Oa the 20th inst., at Everingliam Park, the Lady of WILLIAM CONSTABLE Maxwsid„
Esq., or a daughter. MARRIAGES.
On the 228 inst., at Enfield, the Rev. S. litany Proorr, third son of P. Pigott S. Conant, or Archer Lodge, Hampshire, to Emz.t Alac:tfAtioN, youngest daughter of the Tate Lieutenant-General Sir Francis J. Wittier, of the :donor House, Enfield, Berkshire.
On the lath inst., at !IRMO& Joint WHITING, M.D., to CHARLOTTE, eldest daughter of the late Rev. Henry Jowett, M.A., 1{ector of Little Dunham, On the 19•11 September last, nt Russell-Kotula'', Madras, Lieut. WILLIA111 MIDDLETON, of the ljth Regiment Native Infantry, See011d sot Or the late Hear-Admiral Middleton, to flAlLIC:i.T EOPItii,A. fourdl (Mogi-der of the late I,. 11. Sterling. Esq., of Madras. On the inst., at East Grinstead, the ltcy..Itsms Waite, Fellow of New Col. lege, ()skirl, to MARY DEORIIIANA, eldest daughter oh George Raikes, Esq., of Felbridge Park, Sorry.
Ott the 15th inst., at MaIlock, the Rev. IIsNay 13,txus HALL, Incumbent of Risley and Breaston. Derbyshire, to ErdzmisTit, youngest (laughter of the late Rev. George San- ders, Rector of Wollatun and Trowel, NottiNham. On the 18,11 inst., at Effluvial Chinch, Mr. DANIEL RIDDIFORD, tO HARRIGT, daughter of Mr. R. 13. !Tone, of Eastdourne, Sussex.
OD the 24III iItSI., at the Church of St. George-the-Martvr, Queen Square, Mr. JONA- inAN isamer.a.:, or Ohl Broad Street, to MARY, eldest daughter of James Berkley, Esq., of Harpur Street, Bloomsbury,
At Rome. Prince fassex, after a short illness.
Oa inst., Lord CLEMENTS, eldest son of the Earl of Leitrim, in his 34th year. Ott the 2.I.1 inst.. at her house in Edinburgh, Lady llAtgaocsn:. in her 55th year. On the '21st inst., at her residence at Leamington Spa, the Hon, DIANA. MANNERS
Servos, skier of the N'iscomil Canterbury, in her 56th year.
On the I Ith inst., in his 56th year, Baron NOLEKEN, Lieut.-(301. in her Majesty's service. and last survivor or the two sons or the late ltaron Noleken, who was 6 tr many years A Lhassador from Gustavus 111., King oh' Sweden, to the Court or Great Britain. On the gial rust., at his seat, Chalderton Lodge, Aniestatry, Lieutenant-General Sir Jona ELLEN', K.C.B., K.C.11., G.,vernor of Galway, MO Colonel of the 17th Regiment of Laney's, On the 91st inst., at Calton, near Norwich, in his 38111year, the Rev. DAcits Mauna'', sixth son of Sir 'Thomas Barrett Lenard, of Beillits, Essex, Rector or St. Michael's-at-l'ir'a, Norwich, and Chaplain to his Royal nig-mess the Duke of Sussex and Lord Western.
On the 228 inst., Einem'', CHATFIELD, Esq., ofJudd Street, Brunswick Square, iu his 39th year, only survit rug soft of the late John Chatfield, Esq., of Croydon. On the 17th lust., soddenly, at his house!. Farnborough Lodge, Farnborough, Kent,
the' Rev. Fuser tont Stssox, in his 2811t year.
On the 17th December last, Mr. Wm. Ilmsrrd(r, of Crumpsall, Lancashire, farmer, in Ids 46th year ; on the 8th inst., Mr. Itotwar listermir, an. Coach and Horses. Prest- wich, in 'his 38th year; and on the 14th inst., Mr. Jos. Ilnwri.xy, farmer, of Sandfield, Pilkingdm, in his 49th year. The deceased, who were three brothers, all died after Ivry short illnesses, having widows and seventeen children to regret their loss,