Spectator's Library.
Sir Jol li ty n 4 : BIOGRAPHY. Thu Life of Geor g e Lord Anson, Admiral of the Fleet, Sze. 8:c. By row, Bart, F.R.S. Author of the " Life of Admiral Lord Howe." Fmnos. Janet ;......
Mr. • Spring Rice And The Gresham • Committee.
THE report which we gave, some time since, of the conduct of Mr. SPRING RICE in reference to the dispute between him and the Corporation of London, has been fully confirmed by......
The Legal Sabbatarians.
THAT the London solicitors are a shrewd, hard:headed set of fel- lows, nobody doubts, who, for his sins, has been compelled to seek • and pay for their assistance. If by any......
Barrow's Life Of Anson.
AMONGST the literary drawbacks attending the mechanical facilities of printing, announcing, and distributing books, must be reckoned the prejudice in favour of making them of a......