Three Hundred Conservatives Of The County Of Durham...
. a public dinner in Sunderland on Monday. The Marquis of London- ti,rry presided at the entertainment, and Lords Ravensworth and Sea- ham, With Messrs. Liddell and Hodgson,......
Sir William Molesworth Has Addressed The Following Letter...
'tables, with his subscription of .51.1i. towards tut Anti-Corn-law fund. Sir William Molesworth has addressed the following letter to Mr. 'tables, with his subscription of......
Mr. Caledon Cloorge L)u Pre Is The Tory Candidate To
succeed the paesent Duke of Buckingham itt the representation of Buckingham- shire. In his address to the electors, Mr. Du Pre says-- . I nun deeply attached to those revered......
Zbe Vrobinces.
The Anti-Corn-law gathering at Manchester has not disappointed ex- pectation. From all parts of the country men of influence and pro- perty were assembled to issue a combined......
At A Great Mesting Of The Inhabitants Of Stroud, Held
on Wednesday last, to patition fir a total rt acal of t h e ('urn-lawn. Mr. Stanton, the Chairmau, rcml the Fillolving important letter from Los:1361m Russell-- " White:stn.,......
A Chartist Meeting, Summoned By The High Bailiff, Was Held
at Brighton on Monday afternoon, to sanction the collection of the " Na- tional Rent." Captain Peelle'', M.P. for the borough, having been re- quested to attend, presented......