Castle Howard, The Extensive Demesne Of The Earl Of...
has safilired severely by the late hurricane ; and, although the mansion has sustained little or no injury, it is said that .7,000/. will not cover the damage done to the......
A Numerous And Respectable Meeting Was Held On Tuesday Week,
at Penzance, to memorialize the Government to construct a Breakwater and Harbour of Refuge, at Mount's Bay. Mr. Carteret Ellis was one or the principal speakers ; and thanks......
Three Hundred Conservatives Of The County Of Durham...
. a public dinner in Sunderland on Monday. The Marquis of London- ti,rry presided at the entertainment, and Lords Ravensworth and Sea- ham, With Messrs. Liddell and Hodgson,......
The King's County Magistrates have received something like a re- primand front the Lord-Lieutenant, in the shape of a reply to the me- morial adopted at the Tipperary meeting.......
The Prisoners Tried At El:y. - Mild On Time Charge Td ....
Mr, Cooper have been linind guilty, end sentenced to death. It m as proved that the murder was planned in the most cu, ii and deilberaie manner s IT" Weiland was to have been......