26 JANUARY 1839, page 8

On Monday Week, Resolutions Were Adopted At A Public Meeting

in Aberdeen to establish an Anti-Corn-law Association, On that occasion, Mr. Bannerman, M.P., said- " - The question of the Cora-lairs is a praeticarqUestion, intoTvingntetheary......

Lord De Vesci Has Been Elected A Representative Peer Of

Ireland, in the room of the late Lord Faraham. • Lord De Vesci has been elected a Representative Peer of Ireland, in the room of the late Lord Faraham. • Lord Clements, M.P.,......


The Waterloo Rooms at Edinburgh were filled on Monday by opponents of tine Corn-laws, whom the Lord Provost summoned, in compliance with a numerously-signed requisition, to......

The Prisoners Tried At El:y. - Mild On Time Charge Td ....

Mr, Cooper have been linind guilty, end sentenced to death. It m as proved that the murder was planned in the most cu, ii and deilberaie manner s IT" Weiland was to have been......

On Tuesday, A " Great Precursor Dinner" Was Given To

Mr. O'Con- nell, at the Circus ; hut, for Some cause not explained, the Agitator seems to have been out of temper, and be abused the "paltry press " for not assisting him as it......