Lord De Vesci has been elected a Representative Peer of
Ireland, in the room of the late Lord Faraham. • Lord De Vesci has been elected a Representative Peer of Ireland, in the room of the late Lord Faraham. • Lord Clements, M.P., for Leitrim, died on Wednesday, at Charlemont House, Dublin. It is stated that he had inflammation of the lungs, and was bled to an imprudent degree.
The Honourable Ludlow Tonson, Rector of a parish in Cork, suc- ceeds Dr. Sandes in the see of Killaloe, which the grasping Lord Plun- kett wished to get for one of his sons.
We are requested to contradict a statement, copied from the Limerick Chronicle, to the effect that E. B. Roche, Esq., M.P. for the county Cork, was about to vacate his seat in Parliament. There was no foundation what- ever for the assertion.—Cork Reporter. [We are glad that Mr. Roche is not about to retire, as we expect he will continue to act as a genuine repiesentative of popular interests, independent of Whigs, Tories, and O'Connell.]