Tho Pr,dect!.,r, front London to Bengal, with a large number of recruits for the East butt Cmep .oy'S service, was totally wrecked on the Pith Oct. in the lioodiley River, and nu:: tly at int hoard drowned.
Artist Jan. 20th, Elizabeth, Saunders, front Mauritius; 21st, Lyn.
her. from ditto; and Chippewa. Miller, front Sittptpure; 22d, Sir W. Heath-
cote, Dooditv, from the Cape ; and Dulina, Waddell, from Van Diemen's Lind. Oft' Hastite.:s;23‘1, ceeriing Walher, from Now South Wales. At Liverpool, 18th, Sey- mour, t'o.n..11; aud 19th, Centurion, HlmuL:er, from Mauritius. At Bombay, Nov. ad, Cartintie. ',dr& from London ; stains (';,-tie, Petrie, from Liverpool; 5th, Jupiter, Ramsay. from do; 13th, Hero, Smallwood, from the Clyde; 14th, Urania, Noakes ; and '1', my, from Liverpool ; Malahar, Pollock, from Loudon; lfith, Artyle,M•Donald, from ; 17th, Elora, Blair, from the Clyde ; and 24th, Anne Crichton, Campbell, from Li-m.14ml At Madras, Oct. 23d, M. S. Elphinstone, Jolly, from London, Nov. 7th, China. tiiddie; nail 11th, True Briton, Beath, from ditto. At Bengal, Oct. 24th, Planta: .e, t. Im undt ; out 28th, Wanderer, Smith, from London. Nov. fith, Hereu- lea& ; and 10th, Patriot Fine, Clark, from Liverpool; 11th, Madagascar, Walker ; Earl Ilardwiek, Henning ; :Ind 15th, London, Wimble, from London;
and Jam's Ewing, Hamilton, from the Clyde. At China, previous to 7th Oct. Alex.
Baring, St. Croix ; Crescent ; and Viscount .Melbourne, Flom London. Penang, Hereford, Euphrates, York, Pairkt Queen. and Canada, ilmm Liverpool, At New South s, Anz. 22d, WeAmoreland, Brigstock, from Dublin ; 28th, Dryad, Heard; and Araei.oe.Tionabett, from London.
Sailed—From Gravesend, Jan. 23d, Kelpie, Lansdale, for China; 24th, Aber- crombie Robinson, Scott, for Madras; and Justina, Bentley, for Bengal. From Liver. pool. Boil. Thalia, Graham ; Frankton& Harrison, for Bengal; Broad Oak, 'Mickey, ',id lionthay ; art, Mmeliell, Cellar& for China; 228, Cordelia, Crichton, for ditto. sines pit back!, having been aground; cargo discharging; mud 'Enterprise, &nett!, for 13engal.