An numerous meeting of members of the Common Coun- cil :is.- at the Guildhall on Thursday, to consider the question of the ',:r11-l'INVS. Mr. Heppe' proposed a series of resolutions, declaring the nitpalik.'y those laws, and proposing- - Tli,, this Court do therefore petition the Commons House of Parliament to reme,i.v great evil, by substituting for the present fluctuating but gene- rallc rate of duty, suilt a moderate charge, to be periodicedly ••! it become 11,1»dit«t,' as shall be sufficient to prevent the change frolf pm ,:sing with undue severity upon any portion of the cultivators of the
soil ; further, that this Court have leave to appear by counsel and to pro- duce 'lee at the bar of the lIoue in support of the allegations on which
such petition is founded."
Mr. Nerris moved an amendment, to the effect that the Court should petiti,m for a total 'veal of the restrictions on the importation of corn. Mr. Wire seconded the amendment. A debate ensued ; which was ad- journed to Monday next.