The Sun of Wednesday ostentatiously printed the following state- ment
respecting the Queen's marriage- * The country will learn with delight, that the most interesting part in the Speech from the throne'to bOth Houses of Parliament, and the countvat large, will be the announcement of her Majesty's intended marriage. happy object of Queen • Victoria's choice is Prince Albert,. son of the reigning of Saxe Coberg, and' &main of her Majesty. Prince Albert is hand- some, , and about twenty-tvie years of age. He has resided for some time in this country, on a visit to his royal relatives. How soon the happy event is to take place, we are not prepared to say; but our readers may depend upon the authenticity of our information."
The Chronicle next morning .positively contradicted the statement, on authority ; but the Sun persisted in maintaining that the story was substantially.' true— • " The Chronicle denies, on authority, the statement we yesterday made re- specting the marriage of her Majesty. We beg leave to inform our contempo- rary, that we place more reliance on the authenticity of our information than on his contradiction. Technically, perhaps, the Chronicle may not be in error. The event may not be announced in the Speech from the Throne, but may be comintinicattal to Parliament by a separate and distinct message; but sub- stantively our information, and not the authoritative denial' of the Chronicle, will be found correct. We wait with calm confidence for time to confirm the truth of our statement."