THE proceedings of the Registration Courts in the Metropolis, and in various parts of the country, prove that the electors are aware of the importance of the struggle in which they are en- gaged. As yet, we are unable to state any important results. The Tories boast that in Middlesex they have been very suc- cessful; and it appears that they have sustained a larger propor- tion of their objections than the Liberals. But that is by no means the most important question. Will the Tory journals state whether they have succeeded in placing more names on the register than the Liberals? Have they broken down Mr. HUME'S majority, which at the last election was 438 votes, although it is the filet that that election was grossly mismanaged by the Reformers? As a general rule, we are glad to see that the Barristers con- tinue to construe doubtful points in favour of the claimants. Some particulars relative to the more important decisions will be found in subsequent columns.
From Scotland the intelligence is favourable to the Liberals. It does not appear that they have anywhere lost ground ; while in several counties, and in the borough of Inverness, they have turned the tables on the Tories.
It is to the North that attention has been principally directed this week. The progress of Mr. O'CONNELL through Scotland, his speeches, and the immense assemblies of the people who have welcomed him wherever he has turned, have made a deep impres- sion on the public mind in this country. The Tories can speak and write ot nothing else. He is the theme of their unceasing vituperation. They dread his overgrown influence, and yet are impelled by a sort cf fascination to lend him efficient aid in the accomplishment of his objects, by contributing to his personal importance. They seem to forget that, although virulent and constant abuse may put down a man who is only rising into notice, or one who, in consequence of some false step, is in the wane of his popularity, it uniformly tends to augment the power of him who, in the words of JEFFERSON, is " sailing with the full tide of successful experiment?