An Extraordinary And Mysterious2cese Is Related In Some...
Dublin papers, of a young woman, li a r: .1 Margaret Fehis, who, if the account is true, has been treated by eertein persoos in authority in a most inhuman inanner. The nereent......
Some Of The Irish Clergy Intend To Attempt The Collection
of tithes. Undeterred by the recollection of Rathcormac arid the execration which his proceedings last year drew down upon him from all but Orange-Tories, Mr. Ryder, the "hero......
A Meeting Of Some Orange Parsons Was Held A Few
days ago in Dublin, at which an address to the Protestants was agreed to, calling on them to join in the " Bible Festival" on the 4th of October. These men had the impudence to......
The Orangemen Arc In A Perfect Fury On Account Of
Lord Mulgrave's refusal to sanction the election of Mr. R. Deane to the Mayoralty of Cork, as well as the election of Sheriffs for that city. It appears that the gentlemen in......
Afr. O'Connell arrived at 1!additr:!ol CO the evening of Wednesday, the 16th in,tant, and the next dr,y proceeded to Newington, where he was met by the preeessien of the......
We mentioned last week, in our second impression, that Mr. 11;.reus Costello had taken steps towards prosecuting Dalton, the 51111111, A‘110 accused him of bribery in the Dublin......