The Following Are The Results Of The Proceedings In Several
of the Scotch Registration Courts. In Stirlingshire the Reformers have established a majority of O. At the last election, Mr. Forbes defeated Admiral Fleming by a majority of 22......
Mr. O'connell Arrived In Glasgow On Monday, Several Hours...
than he was expected, in consequence of being detained on his route at Falkirk and other places by the people, who poured forth in crowds to meet him. Hustings were erected on......
The Dinner Took Place In The Hall Of The Portable
Gas Company, The appearance of the ball, with its triple roof supported by two row s of slender pillars, festooned with evergreens, and it pleasant light . chf- fused over all......
The Earl of Chatham died on Thursday morning, twenty-nine years after his celebrated younger brother, William Pitt. Lord Chatham was "distinguished" in the fatal Walcheren......
On The Following Day, A Meeting Of The United Irishmen
was held in the news-room of the Waterloo Ilotel, in order to present Mr. O'Con- nell with a silver vase, as a testimony of respect, attachment, and grati- tude to him for his......
Mr. Mortimer O'sullivan Delivered Two " Proteetant "...
Glasgow last week, filled with abuse of the Catholics, in the true Exeter Hall style. Ilis patrons were Captain Gordon, Mr. Colquhoun of Killermont, and Mr. James Ewing. In......