Trbc Countrg.
The Revising Barristers are busied in the work of amending the registers of voters in various parts of the country. We have selected from the provincial papers accounts of some......
The Tories Of South Devon Gave Their Member, Mr. Parker,
a din- ner on Tuesday, at Starcross, near Exeter. One of the first toasts was "the Bishop and Clergy of the Diocese," and this elicited a long speech from the Reverend Dr.......
At The Hatton Garden Office, On Tuesday, A Poor, Miserable
crea- ture was committed to the House of Correction for ten days, as a punishment for selling Cleave's Weekly Gazette and the Twopenny Dis- patch. Mr. Laing said to Dean, the......
The London Shipping Company's Steam-ship Perth, Otherwise...
John Spiuk, Commander, arrived at Hore's Steam Wharf, Wapping, from Dundee, on the evening of the 18th instant, with about forty passengers, and a mOst extensive and valuable......
The Absurdity Of Regulating The Property Qualification...
Reform Act by the assessed value of the house in which a man lives instead of by its actual value, is rendered so palpable now that the Barristers for regulating the wards have......