trbc Countrg.
The Revising Barristers are busied in the work of amending the registers of voters in various parts of the country. We have selected from the provincial papers accounts of some of their proceedings. At Leeds, Mr. Clarkson decided that the non-payment of the regis- tration-shilling was not sufficient to disqualify the claimant. There are no fewer than 40.58 objections in this borough, so that the labours of the Barristers are not likely to be soon completed. The Tories made a sad blunder in the East Riding of York. The Revising Barristers have decided that all the notices of objections signed " Thomas Shepherd, Newbegin, Beverley," are bad, because Mr. Shepherd's proper description, as it appears in the register, is "North Bar Street Without, Beverley." There are 2000 notices de- clared invalid by this decision, as Mr. Shepherd was the grand Tory objector for his district.
Several important points have been settled by the Barristers at Liverpool. Amongst them are following.
I. That a Dissenting minister holding his situation for life under the trust- deed of his chapel has a right to vote. 2. That Trustees of Dissenting chapels who receive the pew-rents and exercise a control over their applica- tion have a right to vote. 3. That the owners of peers in churches, which pews are declared by an Act of Parliament to be freehold, have a right to vote. 4. That the owners of other pews have no right to vote. 5. That trustees in actual receipt of rents and profits, though for the use of other parties, have a right to rote.
These decisions will, it is expected, be found highly favourable to the Reformers of Lancashire.
The Registration in South Hampshire has hitherto proceeded pros- perously for the Reformers.
ai At Weymouth and Wareham, in Dorsetibire, the Tories failed in 1 their objections, owing to a blunder : they kept no duplicates of their notices of abjection, and of course had no proof of having served
them. .
A few plain tradesmen of the Reform Association had sent notices of objec-
tions and claims. They established most of their claims, and succeeded in their objections, save in two instances. They had kept duplicates of notices, jections fe and. ve
prod their delivery with ease, which the Tories failing to do, their ob- ll to the ground. In North Warwickshire, the Reformers have put upwards of 800
ib new claims upon the register for this division of the county alone, and e C"servatives upward of 300. The Reformers have objected to 500, the Conservatives to 800 votes, and the Overseers to 100. On Tuesday, the Barristers decided two important questions. First, a claim was made to vote for two leasehold cottages, which stood on land in the same lease with other land upon which were erected houses conferring borough votes. The objection was, that as the property was held under one lease, it must be taken as an entirety, and could not he divided for the purpose of giving both county and borough votes. The decision of the Barristers was in favour of the claim. In the next case, respecting trustees, a claim was made by the trustees to. a Dissenters' freehold chapel. There were eighteen trustees ; and it was proved that the trustees were in the receipt of the rents, and that after paying all charges there was more than 40s. left clear for each trustee. The objection to the vote was, that it was necessary, under the 20th section of the Reform Act, that a trustee should not only receive the rents, hut that he should receive them for his own use. The Barris- ters also decided in ficour (qf this claim. Upwards of five hundred votes are affected by these decisions. The Brighton Garette gives accounts of the proceedings in the Registration Courts for East Sussex. They are drawn up apparently with the care and accuracy usually exhibited in the columns of that paper; but the result, as far as it has been ascertained, is not stated; whence we infer that the Tories have not gained by the registration. In West Sussex, too, judging from the following paragraph in the same paper, we should suppose that the Liberals bad been fully a match for their antagonists. " We are informed as a fact (we will not venture to vouch for it, hoping there is some mistake) that the Earl of S'urry's agents for West Sussex have objected to very many clergymen, and to every clergyman in the Rape of of Bramber, except 3Ir. Hurst, lately appointed Rector of Thakeham by the noble Earl's father. We are also assured that both the Colonel Wyndhatrie votes are °bleated to; and that objections have been made by the noble Earl's agents in a manner most vexatious. At Chichester the objections are nearly tenfold those of the Conservatives; for the latter have in many instances refrained from objecting to the claims of gentlemen whose votes are bad, in the expectation that gentlemen haring no vote will refrain from exercising the privilege which the circumstance of their name being in the list will give them. The Conservatives have also offered to withdraw any objection which their opponents will take the trouble of showing to be invalid. We have too often had to complain of the supineness manifested on the part of Conservatives ; and this thoughtlessness, we regret to say, was never more strikingly exemplified than at the Revising Barristets' Court held at Lewes last 31onday, when 31r. Kell had to contend, single-handed, with some four or five Radical solicitors, and a host of prompters. When will Conservatives benefit by the lessons which are daily set them?" The Barristers are proceeding with the revision of claims in the two divisions of Essex. From statements which we have seen of the objections made by the Reformers and Conservatives arid of the numbers mentioned, we believe there is not any material difference between the parties in this respect.—Essex Herald.