26 SEPTEMBER 1835, page 10

The Following Is The Account Of The Average Liabilities And

assets of the Bank of England, from the 30th of June to the 25th September inclusive. Circulation £18,210,000 Deposits 13,230,000 £01,470,000 Assets. Securities X27,88%000......

East India Shipping.

Arrived- At Gravesnul, Sept. 21st, Venus, Harvey, ft-em New South Wales ; and 24th, Blenheim. Brown, troin siugapore. Off Margate, 2111„ David Scott, Owen, from China. Off......

The Paris Journals Are Full Of Comments On Mr. O'cororm's

speeches and the reception he has met with in Scotland. The Doctri- naires profess to be alarmed at the evident progress of " disorganizing " principles; while the Liberals......

The Military Show At Kansa Was To Terminate On The

17th instant. There had been some curious and striking exhibitions of the epics trian skill of the Cossacks and of the Czar's Mussulman regiment. The Sovereigns were expected to......

Pos Tscript • Saturday Ni Ght.

The morning papers supply intelligence from the East. The Pluto, with Mr. Ewa on board, left Constantinople on the 31st August, arid proceeded on her way to Trebizond. Mr. Er.us......

The Old Game Is Kept Up. The Tory Newspapers Have

but one theme. The Times this morning, and the Standard this evening, are devoted to abuse of O'Cosszt.L. The Times evidently connects its own rapid decline in circulation with......

The Theatres.

Tor Winter Theatres have sent out their bills of fare, and the re- spective entertainments'seem to be of the usual character. Of their merits we shall report next week—now we......

From The Gazette Of Last Night We Learn That Several

moves have &ken place in the diplomatic circles. Mr. HENRY STEPHEN Fox, now Ambassador to the Brazilian Emperor, is to go to Washington; Mr. HAMILTON C. J. HAMILTON, now......

The Army.

WAIL omuceAllept. 25.-4th Regt„ of Dragoon Guards-Sergi-Major Souther, from the Cavalry Deprit at Maidstone, to be Ridingemster and Cornet, without purchase. 11th Regt. of Light......

Births, Marriages, And Deaths. Births.

On the 13th inst., at Poyntzlield House, N.11., the Lady of Major GEORGE Gux 21ormo. of a daughter. On the 20th inst.. at Chicksands Priory, Bedfordshire, the scat of C. Lyne......

Money Market.

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The English Funds have evinced a tendency to improvement ; the business transacted has not, however, been extensive. The purchases by the......