Arrived-At Gravesnul, Sept. 21st, Venus, Harvey, ft-em New South Wales ; and 24th, Blenheim. Brown, troin siugapore. Off Margate, 2111„ David Scott, Owen, from China. Off Deadly Head. 22:1, John Pirie. Thompson. horn the Cape. Off Ports- mouth, 24th. K. S. Forbes, Fell, from Bengal ; and Charles Carter, Christen, from the Cape. At Liverpool. Mb, Lord Althorp. Sproul, from Bengal; and Amelia Thomp- son, Pigot, from Bombay; 238, Solway, Proctor. from Bengal ; and Moue. Gill, from Bombay ; and 24th, Otterspcol, Richardson, and Caledonia; Strogan, from ditto. Off ditto. 24th. Bridget, Crosby, from ditto; and Thomas Mellor, Hutchinson, from Bengal. In the Clyde, 22r1, Tropic, King ; and 2341, Mount Steuart, Elphiustone, Small, from Bombay. At St. Helena, July 25th. Iris, alac!..worth, from Ceylon ; '27th, Gent" Black; and Dunvegan Castle, Howard, from Bengal; Lady Gordon, Harmer, from Mauritius; and Lord Hobart, Harrington, from the Cape ; 28th, Iliudoo, —, from Sin4apore; 29th, King William, Stewart, from Batavia; 30111, Gilbert Munro, Duff. from Madras; and Aug. 511,. Georgia, Spalding, from Mauritius. At the Cape, July 25th, Atlantic, Barber, from London; and July 9th. Cassiopia. al*Gowan. from Liver- pool. At Bombay, previous to 24th May, Edinburgh. Marshall; Sherburn, Warren ; and -Resource, —, from London; William Turner ; Crown, Conruan; Ranger, Guy ; Crawfurd ; Mary, Bibby ; Neale and Asia, —; and Mary Piele, —, from Liver- poole ; arid Pestonjee Bomanjee, Thompson, from the Clyde. At Madras, Genera Kyd, Aplin ; and Stratheden, Cheape, from London. At Bengal, David Clark. Rayne, from London. Gung:a. —, from Liverpool; and Tamerlane, —, from the Clyde. At China, March Z81h. Regulus, Vasman, from London ; April 6th, Australia, Forrester, from Liverpool; and 17th, Sovereign. Campbell, from the Clyde. At an Dieinetes Land, Nimrod, hepburn. from Loudon.
Sailed-From Gravesend, Sept. 19th, Apprentice, Cadenhead, for Mauritius; 21st, Duke of Argyle. Bristow, for Madras ; and Ar'ricanus. Watkins, for Mauritius; 23rd, Palmira, Loader, for Bombay ; and '24th, Briton, Parker, for the Cape. From Liver- pool, 22nd, Canton, Gibson, for Bombay.