Mr. Mortimer O'Sullivan delivered two " Proteetant " speeches at
Glasgow last week, filled with abuse of the Catholics, in the true Exeter Hall style. Ilis patrons were Captain Gordon, Mr. Colquhoun of Killermont, and Mr. James Ewing. In allusion to the proceedings at the second meeting, which was held yesterday week, the Glasgow Argus says- " Poor religious principle was unceremoniously sent to the right-about : po- lities wane the order of the day. Murtagh O'Sullivan wound up his second 'apache' with an exhattation to the party to be on the alert at the next election; and several gentlemen were paraded on the hustings, that the crowd might see and pick and choose among them. Mr. Colquhoon bid fair ; he spoke of a ' reckless Ministry.' Some disapprobation mingled with the applause elicited by this novel and ingenious appellation, and Mr. Colquboun played off a master-stroke of oliplomacy. ' I retract the expression,' said he. Mr. James Ewing thought this a 'tine opportunity to over bid Killermont, so he turned up
his face and cried • No, no But Killennont was a fathom beyond the ex-
Member, he !dinned not Ministers, but their ruthleaa master.' These
master-spirits were the most prominent ; but Mr. !hairy Dimlop, by returning thanks to Mr. O'Sullivan, and Bailie Gihnonr, by returning thanks to the Chairman, did their best to bring themselves into notice. We may assume, therefore, that the party are to choose their candidate at the approaching elec- thin from among these four gentlemen—Mr. Colqulioun of Killermont, Mr. James Ewing of Levenside, Mr. !ferny Dunlop, Bailie Gihuour."
An extraordinary meeting of the Commission of the General As- sembly of the Church of Scotland has been called by the Moderator for the 30th instant, on the subject of the Scottish Church Commis- sion.