The cholera at Turin is fast subsiding. On the 10th
and 11th there were neither any deaths nor new cases ; and the disease has apparently, ceased at all the other places in Piedmont at which it had shown itself. At Genoa, also, there is a decided abatement of its force. On the 8th there were 67 cases, and 30 deaths, and on the 9th 53 cases arid 32 deaths. The aggregate number of deaths is stated at between 3000 and 4000, of which 1000 occurred in one week. There is said to be a slight diminution of the scourge at Leghorn; still, during the last week, the average deaths were upwards of 100 a day.
Miss Ellen Tree has been in a perilous situation : she took her pas- sage on Thursday in a packet at Cork for Liverpool, which, in conse- quence of the boisterous weather, was beating about for two days on that dangerous part of the coast ; but arrived safe at Liverpool yester- day week.
-The Boston Sentinel ofthe 18th August mentions that the Marquis of Waterford and Lord Beresford, who arrived there the week pre- vious, have proceeded to New York, &c. by land, leaving their pleasure- yacht in Boston harbour to wait their return or orders.
The editor of the New York Herald writes upon the margin of his paper, "Burnt out last night—will resume in a few days."