A LARGE and elaborate engraving-or finished etching rather-of the magnificent Altar Screen of York Minster, has just appeared. It is engraved by 'UNITY SHAW, from a drawing by Mr. F. H. ABRAHAM, architect. Such a curious and beautiful specimen of ornamental Gothic sculpture well deserves a separate publication. The design is very regular, consisting of a line of niches with double canopies of rich tracery, containing life-size statues of the Kings of England, from the Conqueror to Henry the Sixth, in their coronation robes. In the upper tier of smaller niches are angels playing musical instruments, and above them a range of cherubs in a sitting posture, representing the celestial choir. The entrance to the choir is through a beautiful Gothic doorway in the centre, through which is seen part of the read- ing-desk. The view takes in part of the choir, east window, and altar screen.
HAYDON'S study of a Spanish nun of the Franciscan order at pri- vate prayer has been engraved in mezzotint by BROMLEY, with admi- rable fidelity to the original. The subject is more characteristic than pleasing. The costume is, we doubt not, correct, and the expression is appropriate ; but the features are heavy and turgid ; the livid look of the face is quite in keeping with the ghastly effect of the close cap, flannel hood, and chin-cloth. The style of execution is neither agreeable nor artist-like. The drapery is very slovenlily indicated, and the hands would befit one of the Byron Beauties-a singular defect to find in a work of HAYDON'S.