Chr at ctrapolisi.
The Revising Barristers have been occupied, since our last paper, in amending the list of voters for the city of London and the county of Middlesex.
In the City, on Saturday, the keeper of a Twopenny Post-office was struck out of the list, on the ground of being employed in the collection of the revenue. Mr. Augustus Banks Taylor, who was registered as A. B. Taylor, was objected to ; but the Revising Barrister, having no doubt of Mr. Taylor's right to vote, amended the register, and put in his Christian names in full. It was also decided that the onus of proof, in cases where aliens were objected to, lay upon the objector. On Tuesday, the only point of interest was the following. Mr. Craig decided that the non-payment of the Assessed Taxes was not a disqualification, in cases where the property was not assessed, as the Act only directed the payment of taxes which were due. On Wednesday, Mr. Craig decided that Mr. Richardson,who claimed to be included in the firm of Bryan Corcoran and Company, had no Tight to vote, as the name f Bryan Corcoran alone appeared on the parish books as the person who paid the rates. The claim of Mr. John Richardson was objected to, on the ground that his place of resi- dence was not attached to his notice of claim ; but Mr. Craig overruled this objection, and placed his name on the list. On Thursday, it was settled that Mr. Sealey was Overseer of St. Olave's parish, having been duly appointed, although he had not acted as Overseer and had not assisted in making out the lists. If this deci- sion had been given the other day, all the notices of objection delivered to Mr. Seeley would have been void. On Thursday, Mr. Craig decided that tenants of counting-houses were entitled to vote, although such counting houses were not separate buildings.
There were no cases of importance brought before the Revising the City lists yesterday.