The Honiton new church has been made the means of
the most disgraceful persecution ever heard of. Several working-men have been refused employment on that building, because they do not vote for the Tories of the borough. We do not know any thing more disgrace frilly mean than this : here is a church to be built, the funds for which have been raised by a general subscription throughout the county—a subscription which has been swelled by the conscientious Churchmen of all parties in political feeling—and yet this sacred undertaking is to be made sub- servient to the jobbing of the low-minded Tories of the borou811.— Western Times.
The Commercial Bank of England established a few months ago in Waterhouse Street, Halifax, has now suspended its operations for want of public support—Leeds Mercury.
On Sunday week, the " Ranters" held a camp meeting on Isetcotnb Downs, winch attracted the curiosity of many persons of Reading and the surrounding country. The preachers and leaders stationed them- selves in a waggon, from which they delivered several sermons. .1 fter preaching they marched out in companies, led by their preachers, singing hymns to very lively tunes; the blooming lads and las-es and those in decrepit old age marching after, all joining loudly in the singing ; they then formed themselves into two large circles, the inner row kneeling, and commenced praying, both men and women ; apd bore some of their attitudes and expressions were truly ludicrous. .1 t the signal given, they all rose up and marched back to the waggon,
to a lively tune ; after again praying, and a female preaching, t.ley early in the afternoon left the Downs for their respective homes.— Reading Mercury.