The elections to the Greek " Revisionist " Assembly, con-
ducted on the principle of scrutin de liste, threaten to com- plicate international relations in the Near East. For not only has M. Venezelo, the Cretan leader, been returned at the head of the poll in Attica, but three other Cretan candidates h Iva been returned also. M. Venezelo, though born in Crete, is a naturalised Greek subject, but the Porte may nevertheless press a legal claim against his election. The others are undoubtedly Ottoman subjects, and their election makes for friction. It may be that, contenting themselves with having made their demonstration, they will voluntarily decline to compromise the Greek Government by taking their seats. In any case, the Ottoman Government is not likely to take actien until the elections are validated by the Assembly. Meantime, M. Venezelo has accepted his election, and in view of the circumstances of his return may already be regarded as a formidable candidate for the Premiership. The honouring of M. Venezelo would lend point to the very strong feeling which has been aroused in Greece by the anti-Greek boycott at Constantinople.