The' Red-breasted Flycatcher..
[To THE EDITOR-OP THE " SFECTATOP.."] have read: with much interest your correspondent's letter about the red-breastedflyc atcher (Spectator, Au gu st 20th). For two years in......
Internationali Town-planning Conference. Pre The-editor...
Stn, r -Owing to recent legislation 'a new era of town-planning and reeenstruction- is about to open in the United Kingdom. That the ia Ucr danger of - the. legal and public......
THE PLOUGH. Fecod Egypt behind my oxen with their stately step and slow Northward and East and West I went to the desert sand and the. snow; -Down through the centuries one by......
Irish Tourist Development. [to The Editor Of The...
reference to M. V. Hussey Walsh's letter in y ou r issue of August 13th, I have myself just passed along the routes- he mentions from Killarney to Parkna.silla and Cahireiveen.......
The Word "cabal."
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sr,—Your correspondent "W. E. K.," in the Spectator of August 20th, is himself mistaken in saying that the word ." Cabal" is French. It is......
- Ltd The Editor Or The " Spectator.") Sin - ,—as -the
result of my letter kindly inserted in your issue of the 6th inst. several people have written asking for more information- upon the subject of pit ponies. The alleged cruelties......
[tu 'the Editor Of The- "spec1ator:] Sin,—with.reference...
. from Dr. Benjamin Biekley Rogers in your issue of last. week, Iventure to draw. his.atten , tion to the-fact that lathe third edition of Morris's "British Birds," VoL L, p.......
Notice—when Articles Or "correspondence" Are Signed With...
name or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked - "Communicated," the Editor not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the views therein e:rpressed or with the......