have read: with much interest your correspondent's letter about the red-breastedflyc atcher (Spectator, Au gu st 20th). For two years in succession .L have found in a garden near Bridgend, Glamorgan, a nest built against the side of a tree, about sixor eight feet from the ground. These nests resembled those of the common flycatcher, but the colouring of the eggs -was much paler : the groundwork was a pale greyish blue, and instead ofdark blotches there was a reddish mottling as in the egg of the willow-wrens The bird when sitting closely resembled a common. flycatcher, but this- year I saw what 1 took to be the eame bird on the wing near the nest, and was astonished to see- that it had a distinctly red 'breast. I should: be glad to hear if there is any case known of a. red-breasted flycatcher nesting in this country, and whether its eggs-are like those I found. The bird sat very -" tight," and looked over the edge of-the nest with very bright black. eyes: It did not fly .ofrwhenever I. came near as I- have generally. known common flycatchers to .do. my friends have preserved a specimen- of the eggs.—I am, Sir, &c.,