[to The Edtpor Or Tim " Spectator:] Sin,—may I Be
allowed to add an illustration to those which Mr. George Moores alludes to in his letter in your last issue on this subject of the superiority in certain departments of thought......
Metric Reform.
[To Tam EDITOR OP TIER " EPTCTATOR:1 Sin,—Mr. Moores says in your issue of August 13th England has the best unite in the world for manufacturing purposes. I suppose he means the......
Town Lads For Colonial Farms.—new Zealand's Example.
[To THS EDITOZ OP THZ "SracrAToa.") Sin,—.I would ask the hospitality of your columns to invite the co-operation of your readers in an Imperial experiment the results of which......
Canada And The Mother-country.
[To TIM EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:] SIE,—By last week's mail I received a letter—written on July 28th last—from a young relative of mine, who went out two years ago to Canada to......