[to The Editor Of Titz "spectator:]
Sig,—The advantages of decimal calculations ought not to be mixed up with the question whether we do or do not adopt the metre for our standard. Nor is it necessary to discuss......
[to The Edtpor Or Tim " Spectator:] Sin,—may I Be
allowed to add an illustration to those which Mr. George Moores alludes to in his letter in your last issue on this subject of the superiority in certain departments of thought......
[to Try Editor Oe Tito "spectator:9
am glad to notice that the question of Metric Reform is now receiving publicity in your columns in the shape of letters from various correspondents which you have published.......
[to Sidi Editor Of Tee "srecriroa."j
SIR,—The great difficulty about our measures and coinage is that every one has learnt to count in tens, and that it is practically impossible to get people to count in twelves.......
[to The Edppor Of Ter "spectator:9
Sru,—Would you kindly allow me to say, for the information of your readers who have not already written to me, that I shall be pleased to forward particulars of the objects of......