The Decimal (not Metric) System.
[TO TEl Eorrox OP TEl " SPICTATOIS."] San,—Your correspondents who are against a decimal system of coinage and weights on the ground that the unit under such a system is not......
[to =x Editor Of The " Spectator:1
Stn,—In the course of your interesting article in last week's issue you say that when Miss Nightingale and her selected staff of nurses "reached the seat of war the camp lay......
Irish Administration And The Vice- Royalty.
[To THE EDITOR 07 TER " SnerrAToR.1 SIE,—Among your correspondents in the Spectator of August 13th was one who asserted that it only required the abolition of the Irish......
Miss Florence Nightingale: An Appeal.
[To TEl EDITOR OF THE SP1CTITOR.1 Sra,—The popular fame of Miss Nightingale rests on her work in the Crimea, and it was great ; but her greatest achievement is really that she......
[to Nu Editor Or M " Spectitor."] Si,—in A Letter
under the above heading in the Spectator of August 13th the writer quotes a sentence of Mr. Price Collier's to the effect that the Irish "consider themselves governed much as if......