27 AUGUST 1910, Page 17


ITO THE Einyea OF THE " SrxcrAToa..") will be- a gratification to many of your readers interested in the purchase by the National Trust of the three hundred and ten acres of the most beautiful part of Borrow- dale to know that our president, H.R.H. the Princess Louise, has purchased thirteen acres of the summit of Grange Fell, from which a magnificent panoramic view is obtained of the whole of Derwentwater, of Skiddaw to the north, and of Borrowdale and the Scawfell group to the south. This view- point is to be a memorial of the late King. We have already a bay on Derwentwater associated with Queen Victoria's name, and a portion of Grange Fell will henceforth be asso- ciated with the memory of her son. We are, however, anxious that the public should know that the purchase of the Fell and its surrounding scenery, the Bowder Stone and Borrow- dale birches, is not complete. It is always the last £300 that is a trouble to collect, and if there are any of your readers who know Borrowdale and who desire to help us to keep this beauty for ever free of foot and in its natural loveliness, may I commend to them the privilege of thus helping to give delight to future generations. An acre costs £7 7s. Big dad gui cito dat.—I am, Sir, &c., H. D. RAMNSLEY. Crosthwaite Vicarage, Keswick.