27 AUGUST 1910, Page 18


[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPRCZATOES"1 one who has read and loved the Spectator for many years, may I say with what pain I read in your issue of August 13th that you offer best wishes for the establishment- of a mosque in London ? It may be inevitable; but could we offer (in the way of wishes) more than our best for the building- ssfa Christian church? And ought we to hear without protest the unspeakably infamous ex-Sultan. of- Turkey cited as a. patronof Christianity by your correspondent? Abd-ul-Hamid -owed so much. to England-9n-good-sadness" be it spokenl-- :audit° the divisions of Christendon that', he well. may have thought it politic ta purchase- immunity far Armenian' masaacres by now and thee offering with blood a tailial hands gatrand, and even builtlinga, far Christian, churches and schools Rememberingr your brave, and repeated remota.: strandes -against- the 'exaffilltstatts, cruelty- unaz hypocrisy',- and rejoicing in your righteous protests made more recently agairtst Congo and-" cocoa. alavery" enormitiets it is difficult for me:to understand this newest attitude-of the Spectator; anyfriead for raere-yeava than I-care tor oannt.—I- am, Sir; Ste.,