Some anxiety and nervousness have been caused in the Anglo-Indian
Press by Mr. Montagu's recent speech in which he referred to Lord Morley as acting through "the agency" of Lord Minks It is thought that this phrase detracts from the dignity of the Viceroy and the reality of the power vested in him, and points to the assumption of more control by the Secretary of State for India. We agree that in the Government of India it is essential—for many reasons, most of which are peculiar to-India—that the Viceroy should have unusually large powers of initiation and discretion. If we thought that Lord Morley had any thought of substantially interfering with these, we should earnestly protest. We cannot, however, conclude on the evidence that he has any such intention. The word " agency " was not very happy, but it may be used with so many shades of meaning that there is nothing inherently derogatory in it.