When Mr. Morley got to close quarters with the Transvaal
question be showed a curious want of grasp of the real problem. He thus describes the Outlanders' grievances "Men did not get their votes soon enough ; they did not get their dynamite cheap enough ; the black natives were not made to work hard enough.":4 more ad captandum statement it would be difficult to imagine. The complaint was, of course, that men never got their votes at all, and never could get them as a right, even in theory, but only by the favour of the Administration. The point as to the natives is even more unfairly stated. The Boers by encouraging instead of stop- ping the illicit liquor traffic, demoralised the natives who laboured in the mines. Suppose a manufacturer objected to a liquor-stall being opened inside his works because it prevented his employes working, would Mr. Morley sneer at him as a slave-driver ? But what Mr. Morley left out altogether was even more important than what he mangled in this statement. What has he to say about the refusal to allow equality to both languages,—as at the Cape ? What as to Law-Court grievances ? W hat as to the police grievance, and the use of bogus conspirators and agents-provocateurs? What as to the education grievance ? Surely, if the grievances were mentioned at all, these should have been named.