27 JANUARY 1900, page 10
The Church Of England.
The Church of England: its Catholicity and Continu.,y. By the Rev. Herbert Pole. (Skeffington and Son. 5s.)—Among many excellent handbooks of Church history called into exist-......
Tennyson In French.
In Memoriam : Poimes de Lord Alfred Tennyson. Traduits en Vers franeais par Leon Morel. (Hachette et Cie., Paris.) — Poemes Divers d'Alfred Tennyson. Traduits en Vera francais......
Anglo-french Reminiscences.
Anglo - French Reminiscences, 1875 -1899. By M. Betbam- Edwards. (Chapman and Hall. 7s. 6d.)—Miss Betham-Edwards has studied France long and sympathetically, and writes well of......