We Deal At Length In Another Column With The Personality
and influence of Mr. Ruskin, who passed away on Saturday last in his eighty-first year. The son of a wealthy Edinburgh wine merchant and art connoisseur, well equipped by......
Lord Rosebery Made An Admirable Speech On The War And
its lessons at the opening of a new Town Hall at Chatham on Tuesday. In a review of the losses which we had sustained —losses which were painful but transient incidents in the......
A Remarkable Letter From The Rev. John Moffat, Son Of
the famous missionary and explorer, who has himself in a long residence in South Africa earned an honourable reputation as the friend of the natives, is published in Thursday's......
Father Of The Duchess Of 'york, He Served With Distinction
in the Austrian Army at Solferino in 1859, and went through the Egyptian Campaign of 1882 on the Staff of Sir Garnet Wolssley. His three sons, it may be added, are at the moment......
Two Other Deaths Remain To Be Noticed,—those Of Mr. R.
D. Blackmore, at the age of seventy-five, and of Mr. G. W. Steevens, who had only recently completed his thirtieth year. Mr. Blackmore, who early abandoned law for letters, and......
Captain Mahan Has Written For Publication A Letter...
the attitude of Americans towards Great Britain in con- nection with the war. After discussing the naturalisation laws of the Transvaal, and pointing out their unfairness, he......
The Answer Of The Archbishop Of Canterbury To The Depu-
tation which went to him to protest against the opinion of the two Primates in regard to the use of incense and cere- monial lights was in many ways very striking. If we under-......