Shakespeare's Sonnets. Reconsidered By Samuel Butler....
10s. 6d.)—Mr. Butler's versatility is a little discon- certing. He seems to have established a public office in his own person for the speedy and final settlement of all vexed......
Outside The Garden.
Outside the Garden. By Helen Milman (Mrs. Caldwell Crofton). With Illustrations by Edmund H. New. (John Lane. 5s.)— This dainty volume is a sequel to the not less dainty volume......
Without A God. By A Singer From The South. (kegan
Paul, Trench, and Co. 6s.)—This is a novel somewhat in the manner of Miss MarieCorelli, but written in verse. It would perhaps be more accurate to say, printed as verse, since......
A Manual Of Prayers From The Liturgy : Arranged For
Family Use. By W. E. Gladstone. (John Murray.)—This manual of prayers was arranged by Mr. Gladstone and regularly used by himself in family worship, and it is now given to the......
The Lake Of Menteith. By A. F. Hutchison. (eneas Mackay,
Stirling.)—Here we have a stout volume of about three hundred and fifty pages devoted to the topography, history, and other interesting features of a single extensive and......
The Sovereign Ladies Of Europe. Edited By The Countess A.
von Bothmer. (Hutchinson and Co. 16s.)—Possibly only those who have accomplished similar work can appreciate the tact with which it is needful to proceed when drawing for them-......
A Literary Study Of The Bible. By Richard G. Moulton,
M.A. (Isbister and Co. 10s. 6d.)—We have noticed from time to time the successive voltimes of Professor Moulton'a " Modern Reader's Bible." This volume, which is a revised and......
Two Books On Yorkshire May Be Mentioned Together,—by Moor...
Fell in West Yorkshire, by Halliwell Sutcliffe, with Pictures by George Hering (T. Fisher Unwin, 6s.) ; and Highways and Byways in Yorkshire, by Arthur H. Norway, with......