The Daily News Of Tuesday Contains Some Very Striking...
from Dr. Martineau on the subject of Christianity and war. In a review on "The Ethics of Christendom," Dr. Martineau strove to rescue Christianity "from the degrada- tion of......
Lord Rosebery Made An Admirable Speech On The War And
its lessons at the opening of a new Town Hall at Chatham on Tuesday. In a review of the losses which we had sustained —losses which were painful but transient incidents in the......
On Tuesday Mr. Courtney Made A Speech Which, Though, In
our opinion, singularly devoid of argument and dealing with a purely ideal conception of the Transvaal State, showed courage and independence. He appears to think that the Boers......
Mr. Courtney In Another Part Of His Speech Asked Why
the newspapers which support the Government have taken no notice whatever of the Hawksley letters,—i.e., the letters published in the Independance Beige. We cannot, of course,......
When Mr. Morley Got To Close Quarters With The Transvaal
question be showed a curious want of grasp of the real problem. He thus describes the Outlanders' grievances "Men did not get their votes soon enough ; they did not get their......
With One Portion Of Mr. Morley's Speech We Are To
a great extent in agreement,—we mean that dealing with Mr. Rhodes and the way in which be has again and again demoralised and misled public opinion here. But Mr. Morley must not......
Mr. Morley, Addressing His Constituents At Forfar On...
dealing with generalities such as Im- perialism and the need for the two races living side by side on terms of equality spoke with great good sense. For example, nothing could......
Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent.
New Consols (2k) were on Friday 101.......