The. Earliest Voyages round the World : 1519-1617. Edited by
Philip F. Alexander. (Cambridge University Press. 3s. net.)—This admirable little book contains contemporary accounts of the first three voyages round the world, by Magellan (1519.22), Drake (1577-80), and Cavendish (1580-S8), and a fragment of the 01 describing Moire
and Schouten's discovery of Cape Horn in 1616. The testa have been carefully revised and annotated and illustrated with portraits and old charts, and there is a capital preface. As an introduction to Hakloyt and the publications of the Hakluyt Society, nothing could be better. As a school text-book, nothing could be more attractive. Cavendish's exploits on the West Coast of South America were as thrilling as any boy could dare.