The Royal Society Of St. George And The War.
[To THR EDITOR OF THE " SEECTATOR."] Sts,—Englishmen overseas have nobly responded to the call of the Motherland, and the numerous branches of the Royal Society of St. George,......
• Modern Movement In Social Work.
[To ezta EDITOR or TR/ " SrEcrATon.") Sin,—Just as about sixty years ago a new conscience began to arise concerning the evil of slavery, so now a new consciousness is arising on......
A Red Cross Problem.
[To rem EDITOR Of Ins " SPECTATOR:1 61/2,—We are so continually being instructed by the Press as to what we should eat, drink, grow, spend, invest, and so forth, that some of us......
A Roll Of German Officer Prisoners. (to Me Editor Of
TER " SPECTATOR.") Sia,—It would be well if a nominal roll of the German officers, prisoners during the recent operations on the Somme, together with the names and numbers of......
The Imperial Work Of The Girls' Friendly Society.
[To TED EDITOR OF TER " SPECELTOR.":1 SIH,—Will you allow me to bring before your readers the claim of the Imperial work of the Girls' Friendly Society? This Society has spread......