The Guarantee Of The United States.
(To ins EDITOR or Tin " EIPLPCUTOR. 1 1 Sue—The basis of President Wilson's address to the Senate on 'Monday last is his statement of America's willingness "to add their......
Germany's Food Troubles.
(To Mg EDITOR or Sal " SPECTITOli."1 Su,—The Germans seem to be quarrelling among themselves over the Romanian opeils, to judge from a couple of most interesting articleo......
Letters To The Editor.
AUSTRIAN POSSIBILITIES. rro 17.11 Eames or vi, " Sesceiros."/ ftie,—May I venture -to make. a few remarks on one point in the excellent article under the above heading? Among......
THE LIBERATION OF THE CZECHO-SLOVAKS. [To THE EDITOR Of THE *. SPECT1T0R."1 $m,—An interesting feature of the Allied Note is the special place granted by the Entente Governments......