War And Immortality, And Other Addresses. By H. W. Morrow.
(James Clarke and Co. 2s. W. ..net.) —We must believe that such addresses as these have been given from many pulpits in the British Isles during the last two years. But those in......
The Panel Doctor : His Duties And Perplexities. By T.
BL Tibbetts, 1LD. (Birmingham Cornish Brothers. Is. 61. net.)—The author. himself a panel doctor, has written this pamphlet to resolve the , many difficulties which he......
The. Earliest Voyages Round The World : 1519-1617. Edited By
Philip F. Alexander. (Cambridge University Press. 3s. net.)—This admirable little book contains contemporary accounts of the first three voyages round the world, by Magellan......
The Hope Of Me Great Community. By Josiah Royce. (macmillan
and Co. 4e. 6d, net.)—This little volume of essays on the war by the late Professor Royce of Harvard should be read by English people who are smarting under the insinuations......
Book-prices Current. Vol. Xxx. (elliot Stook. 27e. 6d....
Slater says, in the introduction to this new volume of an old-ostab- Hailed and trustworthy record, that books of interest to collectors will now fetch as much as before the......