Now Comes The President's Great Adventure In The Realm Of
the specific :— "Statesmen everywhere are agreed that there should be a united independent, and autonomous Poland, and that henceforth inviolable security of life, of worship,......
We Desire To Treat The President With The Utmost Courtesy
and respect as the head of the American Republic, but is not his whole attitude a little liable to the criticism which Dr. Johnson math on Lord Chesterfield's eulogy of his......
We Hate To Break In Upon This Noble Dream, But
we are obliged to point out that the President is =rah too optimistic in thinking that it is always taken for granted that there is to ao a definite .Qoncert of the Powers, or......
Mr. Wilson Kept A Surprise Packet For The End Of
his speech. He told the Senate that he was proposing, as it were, that the nations " should with one accord adopt the doctrine of President sionroe " : " that no nation should......
It May Be Pleasant For The Pacificists To Imagine That
democracies are fissiparous, and that you have only to ask to receive the answer : " Erring sister, go in peace." As a matter of fact, democracies are far more tenacious of......
A Plea For Free Access To The Sea Brings President
Wilson to ground on which be has been often beguiled by the Germans into discussing the question of what ie called freedom of the seas. Un- fortunately he does not define the......
When, However, We Come To Such Phrases As " Independent
" we enist ask for definitions. If by " independent " is meant inde- pendence analogous to that enjoyed by the State of Virginia, the State of New York, or the Commonwealth of......
If We Were Asked To Put The President's Speech In
a nutshell, we should summarize it as follows : ' I should like to join in a League to Enforce Peace. But a League to Enforce Peace means the maintenance of the status quo. You......
Fortunately, However, Britain Objected To This Attempt To...
the hopelessly unjust and inefficient reign of Spain over the New World, and President Monroe was equally anxious to put a spoke in the wheel of the great League to Enforce......
The United States, We Are Expressly Told, Does Not Mean
to have any voice in determining what the terms of peace shall be, but only in determining whether they shall be made lasting or not by a universal covenant. In the first place,......
Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent., Ehango3 From 6 Per Cent.