27 JANUARY 1917, Page 3

Mr. Wilson kept a surprise packet for the end of

his speech. He told the Senate that he was proposing, as it were, that the nations " should with one accord adopt the doctrine of President sionroe " : " that no nation should seek to extend its polity over any other nation or people, but that every people should be loft free to determine its own polity," &c., &o. Consider- ing that President Monroe framed his Message in order to prevent the first League to Enforce Peace, known as the Holy Alliance, from carrying out its policy of enforcing peace, we are bound to say that this bold reference to the Monroe Doctrine surprises us. Spanish America revolted and made war upon Spain. This automati- cally brought in the Holy Alliance. The colonies wore breaking the peace ; the Holy Alliance was pledged to stop 1- o vie from breaking the peace. Therefore the Holy Alliance had either to go out of business or to put down war in New Spain.