War and Immortality, and other Addresses. By H. W. Morrow.
(James Clarke and Co. 2s. W. ..net.) —We must believe that such addresses as these have been given from many pulpits in the British Isles during the last two years. But those in this volume strike us as having a special interest as preached in Ulster, and they possess a quality of popular appeal, which many sermons, teaching the same lessons, ton often lack. Mr. Morrow understands that sermons to be effective must be clearly divided into parts, and their several lessons plainly expressed and sufficiently illustrated. The lessons he inculcates are those which the time requires, and the illustrations strike us as generally happy. There is very little that would not be as well received in England as in County Tyrone; and accordingly we have pleasure in recommending the book to those who find themselves called upon to give religious addresses at this time, and are not above seeking guidance as to subject and method.