27 MAY 1922, Page 1

One of the worst signs is the fact that-no responsible

leader of the South, whether an adherent of the Republican Party or of the Free State Party, has denounced the Terror by the irregulars in Ulster. -- Mr. Griffith, it is true, has deplored the murder of Mr. Twaddell on the ground that the murder strikes at the root of representative Government ; but that does not help us very much. Mr. Collins in an interview has said that he did not know whether his agreement with Mr. De Valera would imperil the Treaty or not, but if it did " they would face that situation with unity, and unity would enable them to face the situation in Northern Ireland as well. They were all against partition." We know how the situation in the North is at present being " faced " by the people of the South and Mr. De Valera and Mr. Collins evidently contemplate the continuance of this method. Things could not possibly look worse.