27 MAY 1922, page 2

The Genoa Conference Came To A Formal End On Friday,

May 19th. In his farewell speech Mr. Lloyd George described the Conference as " one of the most remarkable ever held in the history of thesworld," end he addeththat it would be......

Mr. E. C. Grenfell, The Recognized Conservative...

for the City of London in- the hy-election held on Friday, May 19th. Mr. Grenfell 10;114' votes, while his opponent, Sir T. Vansittart Bowater, standing • as an inde- pendent......

Mr. Lloydgeorge Warned The Russians That There Would Not Be

much hope for the Hague Conference if they continued to conduct their policy in the spirit of their memorandum of May -11th. In - his opinion Russia was running a terrible-risk-......

It -is Again Permissible To Hope That The Engineering Trade

dispute may be settled. The. Amalgamated.Engineeiu3s Union. whose executive is hampered by sharp divisions between moder- ates and Communists, unhappily rejected the employers'......

Mr. Otto Kahn, The Well:known American Financier,...

Times of Tuesday that, owing to the success of the Washing- ton Conference and 'to the rare statesmanship of Lord Balfour, " we are nearer than we have ever been in my......

The Manchester Guardian Of Wednesday Published The...

retort :— "- To the Editor of the Manchester Guardian. Sir,—My attention has been called .to the following statement in theleading article of the Manchester. Guardian issue of......

The Conclusion Of A Secret Russo-german Military...

3rd last has -been-repeatedly affirmed from Warsaw, Riga and elsewhere, and as often denied from Moscow and 'Berlin. The Times last Saturday- announced that it had' confirmation......

We -are Reminded-of The Lover In-french Fiction Whose...

between-the extremes of adoration and hostility. He either:hugs or he- strikes ; . and :both.manifestations .are. pro- bably related. " And-all men-kill the thing theylove," We......

The Committee For Privileges Of The House Of Lords Last

week reversed its former decision in favour of .Lady Rhondda's claim to a writ of summons. Why the Committee should have decided one way in March and the other way in May, and......