27 MAY 1922, page 1

News Of The Week.

T HE prospects for the Irish Treaty are darker than ever. Mr. Collins and Mr. De Valera have come to an unex- pected agreement whioh looks much more like a surrender of Mr.......

Last Saturday Morning The Terror Which Has Been Carried Into

the Northern area by the I.R.A. irregulars was suddenly and with obvious premeditation carried to a still more extreme point. The catalogue of destruction is without parallel......

We Have Only One Observation To Make On This Situation,

and we must make it very plainly. The British Government have given arms, munitions and transport freely to the Free Staters. If they basely refuse all other forms of help to......

In Belfast On Monday Mr. W. J. Twaddell, Who Represented

West Belfast in the Northern Parliament, was shot dead. Sir James Craig issued an appeal to tho public to refrain from retaliation. While, however, most rightly denouncing......

In The Early Hours Of Tuesday 200 Sinn Feiners Were

arrested, and when we go to press on Thursday the number of arrests has -risen to 350. Speaking in the Northern Parliament on Tuesday, Sir James stated thatafter his most......

One Of The Worst Signs Is The Fact That-no Responsible

leader of the South, whether an adherent of the Republican Party or of the Free State Party, has denounced the Terror by the irregulars in Ulster. -- Mr. Griffith, it is true,......

The Government Are Already Rocking ; Failures,...

differences, revolts by nominal supporters, are all sure signs of disintegration. But the fall would be sudden if the Government were guilty of the crowning iniquity of letting......

To Our Readers.

Readers experiencing difficulty in obtaining the " Spectator " regularly and promptly through the abolition of the Sunday post or other causes Should become yearly subscribers,......