The Real Tsaritsa. By Madame Lili Dehn. (thornton...
net.)—Madame Dehn, the wife of an officer in the late Tsar's personal guard, was an intimate friend of the Tsaritsa and her children. Her account of the Empress Alexandra as a......
Woinks Of Reference.—the Industrial Tear Book, 1922'...
Philip Gee (40 King Street, Covent-Garden,.36s. net), is a new work which promises to be of great value to all who take commercial and economic questions seriously. This......
Ethics. By Arthur Lynch. (cassell. 7s. 6d.)—mr. Lynch...
hopes in his reader. He sets out in Part L— "Survey and Clearance "—with a rapid survey of moral philo- sophy in its various manifestations from ancient Greece to the present......
Language : An Introduction To The Study Of Speech. By
Edward Sapir. (H. Milford. 8s. 6d. net.)—This clever little book, which is commendably free from the tiresome symbols of the phoneticians, aims at giving " a certain perspective......
Arabia. By D. G. Hogarth. (oxford University Press. 7s. 6d.
net.)—This short sketch of Arabian history is the only existing part of a larger work, planned to deal with Syria, Mesopotamia and Persia, which Mr. Hogarth has unfortunately......