27 MAY 1922, page 12

The Untouchables Of India.

[To raz EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR- " ] SIR,—It was quite a dramatic episode when, on February 17th, His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales laid the foundation- stone of the......

President Lincoln On Deflation.

[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR. " ] SIR,—Your March 25th number had a letter under the head of "President Lincoln on Deflation" which implied that the private bankers of......

Government Pledges.

[To TEE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR:] SIR,—We hear a great deal nowadays of alleged pledges and breaches of faith. Is it not high time that Parliament should protect its own......

Mr. Lloyd George And The Bolsheviks. Ito The Editor Or

THE " SPECTATOR."] Sts, What Mr. Lloyd George can gain by negotiating with the Russian Soviet Government is very difficult to see! What they want to get is easy to see. They......

The Blot On The Budget.

[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR. " ] would like the courtesy of a brief reply to the recent letter entitled " The Blot on the Budget." Your correspondent criticizes the......

Mrs. Grundy Protests.

[To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR. " ] SIR,—For years I have had to put up with ignorant stories about me and my opinions. Whenever a man wants to do or to say or to write......